Ronald Robertson

Sanjay Singh

  • Socail@lampatlex
  • VisitorSince 1982
  • LocationKentucky, USA

How to download expression data set from NCBI GEO

NCBI has provided a wonderful tool GEO2R to do analysis of microarray data sets but sometime I need the normalized data sets to check the expression of given probe across experiments. In this case I can use this given R script which can help to download the expression data for whole experiment in a simple text file that can be used as in excel or other similar program. This script assume that you have installed GEOquery at your machine. If GEOquery is not pre installed then run this command


Script can be simply run from your terminal

Rscript GEO_expression.R accession_number

1. Easiest Way to Download All Sra Samples or Multi Experiment file from NCBI SRA database
