Ronald Robertson

Sanjay Singh

  • Socail@lampatlex
  • VisitorSince 1982
  • LocationKentucky, USA

Examples For Sed Linux Command In Text Manipulation and File Handling

Click on red strip to expand it

1. Replace all occurrence

2. Replace all occurrence of multiple string

3. Reading sed commands from a file

4. Substituting Flags: to control the replacement in file

Extract Part of a FASTA Sequences with Position by python script HERE

5. Limiting sed in a file

6. Delete Lines in a file with sed

sed '2d' Inputfile  >Outfile

- following command will delete second and third line

sed '2,3d' Inputfile  >Outfile

- following command will delete second line to the end of the file.

sed '2,$d' Inputfile  >Outfile
