Ronald Robertson

Sanjay Singh

  • Socail@lampatlex
  • VisitorSince 1982
  • LocationKentucky, USA

Easiest way to download multiple sequences from NCBI

NCBI and me have shared several tricks to download large set of sequence from database HERE and HERE, respectively. In this post. I am going to share another easy way to download multiple sequences from NCBI. This script will take the file accession list ( one accession number in each line) and download sequence in individual files. Finally, concatenate those files in a single multiline fasta file and delete them.

How to BLAST multiple sequences against NCBI database using PERL script HERE


while read i; do curl -s "${i}&rettype=fasta&retmode=txt">$i.fasta; done < id.list

#find . -name '*.fasta' -exec cat {} \; >protein.fas
cat *.fasta >protein.fas
rm *.fasta
