Ronald Robertson

Sanjay Singh

  • Socail@lampatlex
  • VisitorSince 1982
  • LocationKentucky, USA



How to create a 3D pie chart in R

How to create a 3D pie chart in R

The Pie Chart, represented in the circular chart symbol, is easy to understand complex data. Each section of the circle shows the data value...

Easiest way to find number of cluster in gene expression data

Easiest way to find number of cluster in gene expression data

Gene clustering is a common method to find the groups of the gene with similar expression patterns.  However, it is not always easy to decid...

Easiest way to calculate Ka Ks ratio and divergence time

Easiest way to calculate Ka Ks ratio and divergence time

The Ka/Ks ratio is used to estimate the nature of evolution among neutral, purifying selection and beneficial mutations acting on a set of h...

Draw a heatmap with Custom Symbol in Cell

Draw a heatmap with Custom Symbol in Cell

Heatmap is a good way to save some space when you want to compose a figure with lots of panels. I got some gene expression data which were s...

How to get gene expression value from Arrayexpress

How to get gene expression value from Arrayexpress

ArrayExpress has a wonderful R package for data search, download and analysis but it doesn't always work in perfection. Therefore it alw...

Cheat Sheet to Install and work with R on Ubuntu

Cheat Sheet to Install and work with R on Ubuntu

Tips and tricks to Install and work with R on Ubuntu Run these commands in terminal #Update and Install R sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get i...

How to compare multiple sets using UpsetR

How to compare multiple sets using UpsetR

Why UpSet Everyday I face the problems that need to understand the relationships between sets. Ven diagram always a great job if the number ...

How to make a group bar graph with error bars and split y axis

How to make a group bar graph with error bars and split y axis

I would like to draw a group bar graph with error bars and split y axis to show both smaller and larger values in same plot. Although plotri...

How to make a Heatmap with multiple annotation

How to make a Heatmap with multiple annotation

I was interested to make a heatmap with multiple annotation with least interference. It will create an heatmap with multiple annotation such...

How to download expression data set from NCBI GEO

How to download expression data set from NCBI GEO

NCBI has provided a wonderful tool GEO2R to do analysis of microarray data sets but sometime I need the normalized data sets to check the e...

How to perform Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis

How to perform Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis

Requirements We need R libraries vegan , ggplot2 , extrafont to run this script. R scripts For complete result of analysis and raw file, pl...

How To Perform Basic Multiple Sequence Alignments In R

How To Perform Basic Multiple Sequence Alignments In R

There are several servers out there to perform the multiple sequence alignment and visualization. I was looking for all in one offline tool ...